Ridgeback Partners

A technology-driven website refresh and design for a financial services company


Ridgeback partners are a financial services company with a focus on mergers and acquisitions as well as fundraising. They offer a truly personal, bespoke service by acting for only a discrete number of clients, and by risk sharing with them.


Founder of Ridgeback Partners, Ashish, approached FDRY to revamp their website, aiming to make it more technology-driven. Given that many of Ridgeback’s clients operate in the technology sector, the vision was to develop a non standard, techy website that would instil confidence in their clientele.

After receiving the inspiration document from Ashish, it became evident that the vision for the new site drew inspiration not only from technology but also from cultural references. The FDRY team got to work straight away, working hard to bring Ashish’s vision to life, spanning from the rebranding to the enhancement of the user experience.


We started the project with a thorough branding exercise, following clear guidelines from Ashish to execute his technological vision and build in cultural reference elements into the refreshed designs. The team proceeded with creating a distinctive logo design, developing animations, and undertaking video production to bring the envisioned concept to life. The FDRY developers got to work employing coding languages React and Java to seamlessly integrate the complex technological features into the revamped website design.


From the technological advancements introduced to the seamless user interface, the refreshed website is a complete transformation from the original site. The new design is dynamic, incorporating various elements like a non-standard cursor and animations to engage users. Throughout the process, our priority was to create a website that is both clean and tech-focused, which is successfully reflected through the finalised designs.

We designed a non standard, technology-driven website that executed Ridgeback’s vision to perfection.

We love how we were able to introduce complex technological elements into our design which elevated the website's look and feel.

woo-commerce big-commerce shopify Google Partner Meta Square TikTok